Saturday, April 30

If you blog or are inclined to talk about blogging - you've had this conversation before. It starts like this - usually after a some Irish Meat Loaf at the Grafton and a coffee at Cafe Selmaire - why do you blog? Or why in the heck are so many people blogging? What the hell for? I don't claim any answers - but...

I for one have kept personal rants and chatter off my site - until now - after 3 glasses of wine at Xippo and another at home - b/c for me blogging's about passing on useful info - not turning the space into a 'hey look at me' column like Liz Armstrong's Chicago Anti-Social. Being a writer at heart though, an occasional spurt is bound to come from me. Blogging is just another one of those things on the Net that's subtly altering the make-up of the foundations in society - and i say great - the little man be heard! That is why i like to blog.

Believe those that say "times are a changin' - really changin'". Strap in the ride is gonna be bumpy.


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