Tuesday, May 10

Jazz group turns 40
Innovative musicians from around the country -- and across the city -- will converge on Chicago's stages...

Art on TV - one station for the creative society

Finally tried B/e (Bud's beer w/ a bang) The taste was nothing short of average. Flat Red Bull w/ a drop of stale Bud. But...it did the job. In my 10 year self-imposed ban on Busch Beer, this is only the second time i have broke it. (the other was some $1 draft night at some dive in South Bend) Why the ban? Well beside the fact that it's shwag, Busch is one of the largest contributors to anti-herb organizations, which i find terrible for a lot of reason. (although an extensive Google search gave me no proof) Still, B/e might get me to give Busch some of my money now and again.


At 5/10/2005 08:41:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the buf thing is tru. Stay away!


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