Friday, May 6

Old 97s set for Park West on Sat.
No doubt this will be a good time!

Pay for your Mags every quarter

City wide Smoking ban flaming up Again
Smoke-Free Chicago, wants the council to ban smoking in all workplaces, including restaurants and bars

This band pumping sex appeal
It’s no surprise that the Raveonettes’ desire for a more spacious and organic sound has led Foo and Wagner to draw heavily from a distinct ‘60s ambience

Juxtapoz - Underground Artist Mag.

Horse Racing time is here. Where to go to watch the Pony's?
Hawthorne is the closest to the city and easy to get to.

Attention - Sizzling mod-pop band

A look at thriving Devon Street
Ethnically diverse 'hood is booming, but will the growth stop?

Coldplay, Keane, Snoop Dogg, Doves, The Clash - great ringtones

Crystal Method Tonight at the Metro
Remember that late nineties GAP commercial when...

Vibe Magazine for diverse tastes.

Wilco show reviews from nights 1 and 2.
Tonight though is the biggie - Wilco vs. Coldplay - Wrigleyville - Let's get ready to rumble!