Tuesday, May 24

Kot Uses U2 Story for Publicity Push?
Does it feel like Trib Rock Writer Greg Kot orchestrated a perfect little controversy and garned himself some extra attention with this U2 coup? Seems like it. It's not hard to attack a long-time mainstream band like U2 for thier live shows, say Coldplay outperformed them and watch your name pop up all over the place. Come on - are we all really supposed to get caught up in this Trib manufactured hype? Now Kot has another interview with Bono published as a follow up. What a great marketing ploy. Does Kot have a book coming out or something? Or are Kot and the Trib just looking for new ways to sell papers since circulation is down? Whichever - FlowFeel ain't buying it!

I-pod in a vending machine - Here it is!
The future's so bright i gotta wear shades

Need Delivery Now? Who comes your way? Hell...are they even open? Whats do they have? Enter your address and find out who, when and what.

Robot Art
Look out Creative People - your job may be in danger

Jeff Koons - sold out
He made banality blue chip, pornography avant-garde, and tchotchkes into trophy art. How Jeff Koons, with the support of a small circle of dealers and collectors, masterminded his fame and fortune.

A look at the future of metropolitian housing

And now the real Common shoes - see post below for the story
Shoe 1
Shoe 2

Is this the Ugliest building in Chicago?
Can you think of others?

Global Fashion Watch
OK hipper-than-hipsters, this is for you! We at FlowFeel know that even Nuevo-Bohos are into some chic fashion. While Thrift-store couture is still rad, fly duds are sweet too. Consumerist yes, but so goes our world.

Wicker Park Photo Blast
Love this sites work - many have said - but it bears repeating, "a pic is worth a thousand words." That being the case Chicago Uncommon is a flipin' massive novel.

Common Enters The Shoe Game
With Kanye West by his side, an eye catching billboard in Time Square (NYC), and the highly anticipated album here, Common isn't the underground hip hop backpacker that we once knew from back in the day. The Chicago rapper isn't taking the road less traveled anymore. Today as his album 'Be' hits the shelves, TheRedLemonStore.com (Oak Park) will be hawking 100 pairs of Nike sneakers designed by Common and celebrity shoe designers Krispy Klean. While the exact look of the shoes will go out in an e-mail some time today - FlowFeel has taken the liberty to design what could be called a 'prediction' pair.
Oh how fresh to see Chicago boyz doing well for themselves in pop-culture America - makes ya proud don't it?